Many parents sacrifice greatly to provide a Christian education for their children. Several tuition assistance programs are available to help parents afford their child’s Christian classical education. Families at Redeemer Christian School have multiple external and internal financial resources available to them.

  • Multi-Child Tuition Discount – Families receive a 10% tuition discount for each child registered after the first (oldest) child in the family.
  • Referral Tuition Credit – By referring a new family who enrolls their children as full-time students at RCS, the current family receives a $500 tuition credit.
  • Empowerment Scholarship Program – The Universal Empowerment Scholarship Account (ESA) in Arizona is a school choice program that allows every K-12 student in Arizona to be eligible for approximately $7,000 which can be utilized for payment of tuition at an Arizona private school.
  • To learn more about the Universal ESA scholarship, WATCH THIS VIDEO!
  • To apply for the Universal ESA, CLICK HERE.
  • Christian School Tuition Scholarship Organizations – Families in Arizona are blessed by amazing scholarship organizations which endeavor to make private Christian education affordable. These School Tuition Organizations (STOs) provide millions of dollars of tuition assistance to families. Last year alone, RCS students received over $200K in STO scholarships for tuition.

Arizona’s Universal Empowerment Scholarship Opportunity

The Arizona Universal Empowerment Scholarship – Provides funds for parents to pay fees and tuition for private education of their choice.

School Tuition Organizations (STOs)

After you have submitted an application to Redeemer Christian School, you can begin the process of applying to School Tuition Organizations (STOs). These organizations have partnered with Redeemer Christian School to assist your student(s) tuition.

School tuition law prohibits a student receiving ESA and STO funds simultaneously. Parents will need to choose whether to use ESA funds or STO scholarships for each of their students. If STO funds are sent to a school for a student who subsequently receives an ESA scholarship, the STO funds will need to be returned to the STO. Some students’ tuition will be fully covered by ESA funds. Higher tuition, particularly at the high school level, often will not be fully covered by ESA funds. Those families may choose to continue to pursue STO scholarship awards.

See the list of School tuition Organizations below, or schedule a visit to the school office to learn more.

ACSTO – Arizona Christian School Tuition Organization:

AOA – Academic Opportunity of Arizona:

AESOP – Arizona Education & Scholarship Opportunity Program:

ALF – Arizona Leadership Foundation:

APESF – Arizona Private Education Scholarship Fund:

APSTO – Arizona Private School Tuition Organization:

ASCT – Arizona School Choice Trust:

ATC – Arizona Tuition Connection:

Arizona Tax Credit:

AZ4ED – Arizona Education Scholarship Foundation:

CCSTO – Cochise Christian School Tuition Organization:

IBE – Institute for Better Education:

SCA – School Choice Arizona:

STAY – School Tuition Association of Yuma:

TOPS – Tuition Organization for Private Schools:

YES – Yes Fund For Kids:

Scholarship Organizations (Other)

AAA Scholarship Foundation – A nation-wide Scholarship Program. Funds from this program can be “stacked” with STO award funding! Apply for AAA by June before the school year begins.

Empowerment Scholarship Account (ESAs)

From the Arizona Department of Education page on ESAs:

“Parents have the right to choose what’s best for their family and have their education tax dollars pay for the school that meets their child’s needs. Empowerment Scholarship Accounts (ESA) make that possible.

With the ESA program, the money that would pay for that student’s education in a neighborhood school follows that student to whichever school the parents choose for their child, including education at home.

ESA dollars cover multiple education expenses such as private school tuition, curricula, educational supplies, tutoring and more.”

The following are some videos about ESA, how to apply, what the funds can support in a child’s education and more.

Free Private and HomeSchool! (Arizona ESA, Video 1)
Create Arizona ESA Profile and Add Kids…in 7 Minutes (Arizona ESA, Video 2)
Receive ESA Money with ClassWallet (Arizona ESA, Video 3)

Give your child the Christian education you wish you had!

Learn how to apply for enrollment and book a campus tour today.